Reasons to Trim Trees During Winter

A lot of homeowners ask “when should we trim our trees?” Well, the answer isn’t always straightforward. The reason for this is that whenever you’re planning to trim your trees, you’ve got to consider a couple of factors. This includes the surrounding landscaping, the vulnerability of the tree to disease, the impact of insects, the type of tree, and much more.  

In general, the ideal time to trim your shrubs and trees is during winter. During the cold months, almost every type of tree is dormant. Because of this, it’s the best time to trim them. There are also other reasons, such as: 

  • Trees heal faster. This means that your tree will be healthy and happy again by the time spring arrives.  
  • There’s less influence on the surrounding landscape. A tree trimming Davie FL professional can see easily what they’re doing if the tree has no leaves.  
  • Trees are less prone to disease or insects 

Another reason why it’s recommended to trim your trees during winter is that you can save more money. This is because you will save money if you book your tree trimming early. During winter, tree care professionals typically aren’t busy. Thus, they offer discounts as well.  

The Schedule for Tree Trimming 

Pruning during the late winter guarantees that fresh wounds are only exposed for a short period before new growth starts. This helps the wound from trimming start to heal immediately. Furthermore, the process of trimming dormant plants is a lot easier because there are fewer obstructions from leaves.  

It’s Particularly Ideal to Trim Trees During Late Winter to Prevent Particular Diseases 

  • You need to prune Honey Locust trees if they’re dormant during the late winter. The reason for this is that it is ideal to prune in dry conditions.  
  • If you’ve got an apple tree, try trimming them between February and Late-April. Summer or spring trimming improves the possibility for infection to spread. On the other hand, early-winter or fall pruning can lead to growth problems the next season. 
  • If you trim your oak tree during the cold months, you can prevent Oak Wilt disease. A lot of experts do not recommend trimming your oaks between April and October. 


Evergreens need a bit of pruning, with several exceptions. You have to trim various forms of evergreens according to their varied habits of growth. 

Shrubs and Hedges 

You need to trim hedges frequently after the first pruning that takes place during planting. You can usually trim hedges two times every year. Once in mind-summer and once during spring. 

Trim Before New Growth 

You need to prune shrubs during the spring season before growth starts. This is particularly true if the shrub is grown mainly for its foliage instead of its showy flowers.  

Trim After Blooming 

You need to trim shrubs and trees right away after they are done blooming. This is particularly true if they bloom early in the growing season.  

The best way to know when to trim your trees and shrubs is to hire a professional tree care company for help. 

Tips for Maintaining Your Seawall

After you’ve hired a professional to install a strong seawall, maintaining its excellent condition will be up to you. Professionals suggest you inspect your seawall regularly and hire a professional to check it every 5-6 years. This will guarantee correct upkeep.  

There are several basic things you could perform to maintain your seawall in excellent condition. A couple of issues are obvious. You can fix them easily. For example, you could fill small holes and cracks in the seawall using marine grout.  

These minor repairs will prevent water from seeping through and eroding the sand and soil away from under and behind the structure.  

On the other hand, there are some issues that you should only leave to a professional seawall repair West Palm Beach company. 


A lot of owners can easily apply spray-on waterproofing solutions to the seawall. This will offer an additional layer of protection against water erosion. This might be an excellent option for you as well. This depends on the form of seawall you’ve got.  

Inspecting Weep Holes 

The openings that enable water from the back of the seawall to filter through it are called weep holes. Water pressure can accumulate when these holes are blocked with debris. This can lead to crumbling and cracking of the walls. That is why you need to check the weep holes frequently to avoid this damage. Make sure you get rid of blockages. 

When Plants are the Issue 

You should pay close attention to every single plant growth around the seawall. Though a couple of seawalls incorporate plant life into their natural design, not every growth is good for your seawall. 

Weeds can grow deep into the soil. This can lead to cracks in your seawall’s liner. Thus, make sure you get rid of weeds using a weed killer before any type of damage happens.  

What Are the Major Indications of Issues? 

Aside from the regular seawall maintenance tasks, you also have to conduct routine inspections for damage on the seawall. It is particularly vital after a major runoff event. This includes flooding or major storms.  

Depending on the form of seawall you’ve got, the types of things you need to search for include: 

  • Outcropping 

You need to examine for separation in the joints between slabs.  

  • Rip Rap 

You need to be wary of dislodged stones that you have to replace. 

  • Steel Seawall 

You need to look out for corrosion, cracks, and leaks. 

How Do You Know If It is a Major Issue? 

You can easily fix the damage using basic tools if it is minor. A couple of problems are more severe and need more than just regular maintenance. More severe cases might need excavation. 

For instance, there is a huge possibility you require serious repair work if the steel seawall is bowing outward, dipping, or sagging. Worse, you’ll have to completely replace it.  

Also, a breach in the wall might be enabling the soil to drain through into the water if you notice holes, pits, or indentations forming near the seawall. You’ll need major repairs for this.